I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself. I'm an audiologist. For a quick snapshot of my professional background, and current activities, you might want to review a traditional brief Biographical Sketch. Just click on any of the hyperlinks in this introduction to quickly access additional information.
Like most professional persons, I maintain a current Curriculum Vitae, or CV. The term curriculum vita, derived from Latin, is translated as: "The course of one's life." A CV provides much more detailed information than a biographical sketch. Beginning in graduate school at Northwestern University, I've summarized professional activities, academic and clinical credentials, and evidence of productivity in this single document. A glance at the list of publications will provide a 30 year perspective on the evolution of my clinical and research themes. However, the CV is not a comprehensive resume of my professional activities. For example, the 1000+ professional and scientific presentations, invited lectures, poster papers, seminars, and workshops I've given over the past 30 years are not included within the CV (mainly to keep the length to a mere 25 pages). Read on to discover where this information is located on the Web site.
To a large extent, this web site is an electronic extension of the traditional CV. If you wish to read a little more about any of the topics listed in the CV, just browse through the various pages of this web site. For example, you'll find on the Personal Page a little story about how I became an audiologist, along with some photographs and text devoted to my family. Titles and abstracts, and often the actual PowerPoint (PPT) Presentations, for many of the lectures I've given in recent years in the U.S.A. and elsewhere in the world are included in the alphabetical listing of Lecture Topics. Imbedded within the Lecture Topics pages are selected PPT presentations, published articles, and informal professional perspectives.
If you're interested in learning more about my textbooks (hopefully as you prepare to purchase them), check out the page entitled Books Authored or Co-Authored by James W. Hall III. Included in the book pages is behind-the-scenes glimpse into the conception of the books, and why I wrote them. Yes ... it was for a little fame, but definitely no fortune.
If you are seeking a speaker for a professional conference or workshop, first look over the listing of Lecture Topics, perhaps previewing a PPT or two. I'm happy to report that evaluations of my presentations by attendees are consistently very positive. My general lecture approach is to provide up-to-date, practical, and evidence-based clinical information in an entertaining and down-to-earth manner. I relate to audiences as a clinical audiologist who has "been there and done that" and, along the way, learned a tremendous amount from my patients (and also from my mistakes). Don't hesitate to contact me via email at jwhall3phd@gmail.com to discuss possible dates and lecture topics. Please keep in mind that my lecture commitments are usually booked well in advance, sometimes a year or more before the conference dates.
I hope you'll take a moment to scan a few other pages on the Web site. The Consulting Services page and the Audiology Expert Witness Services page include a summary of the various forms of work I take on outside of the University, usually for compensation but occasionally as a "pro bono" professional service. Please email me at jwhall3phd@gmail.com to discuss potential consulting or auditory expert witness services.
If you are a non-audiologist ... a consumer ... who is interested in information or even clinical services for you or a family member, I hope the Web site is helpful. You'll find practical information on the clinical areas I've chosen to focus on, including auditory processing disorders (APD), tinnitus, hyperacusis, and diagnosis of hearing loss in infants and young children. These and other clinical services are available from audiologists at many facilities. Please drop back to visit the web site from time to time. It will be expanded and updated regularly.
Before you leave the website, please take a look at the flyer for my latest book entitled Introduction to Audiology Today. Information about the book, including the cover design, is located in the Books section of the website. Writing this book was perhaps the most challenging and yet rewarding activities of my career to date. The book targets undergraduate students who are taking an introduction to audiology course yet it offers for practicing audiologists a very current and readable overview of the entire scope of audiology. It will also be an excellent resource for review of audiology principles and procedures in preparation for a national examination. In countries where audiology education is at the bachelor’s degree level, Introduction to Audiology Today will be a very useful textbook for many courses in the curriculum. I sincerely hope Introduction to Audiology Today informs and inspires a new generation of students to choose audiology as a career.
Please drop back to visit the web site from time to time. It will be expanded and updated regularly.
Best wishes...
James W. (Jay) Hall III
Copyright © 2018 Audiology World - All Rights Reserved.
James W. Hall III - jwhall3phd@gmail.com